Contribution by Monika Dahlberg, Sometimes you have to be your own hero, 2018

Simulacrum 8             Editor Leonor Faber-Jonker

Maskerade 2008, kleur- en grijze potloden op papier, A5 (op A3 formaat).                                                                    

Maskerade 2017, kleur en grijze potloden op papier, A4 formaat.                                                           Contribution by Yvonne van de Griendt

E-Textile-Swatch Exchange Rituals 


Editor Contrechoc

Does the e-textile swatch “work”?

E-textile swatches means examples of electronic or interactive 

textiles – or special materials, either technical or extra special natural…

If the swatch contains new materials or special techniques working could mean:

    •    The swatch can tell a story.

    •    The swatch can show a principle.

    •    The swatch shows a material.

    •    The swatch can be a sample of a process.

    •    The swatch when manipulated by hand shows an effect.

    •    The swatch can be a result of textile work, knitting, weaving,   

         embroidery, non-woven.

    •    The swatch material worked – a long time ago – for example 

         the temperature dependent materials – the effect being 

         diminishing and disappearing in months.

If the swatch contains electronics, “working” could mean:

    •    The swatch can do an action with added electronics.

    •    The swatch can do an action if a battery is added.

    •    The swatch will do an action if a switch is pressed.

    •    The swatch “acts” – as long as the battery is working.

    •    The swatch “worked” – a long time ago – use of unstable                     


A few examples of “working” swatches.


Mili Tharakan. Zardosi embroidery A story about an Indian designer discovering a village where embroideries with metal beads are made - being conductive.

Materials 1: Measure

Barbro Scholz. Manipulation of conductive surface

To see this swatch „work“ you need to measure resistance.


Electronics – battery included.

Zohar Messaca Fara, Maya Minder - Kombucha lick’o’meter hybrid circuit.

Battery included, and the touching is the switch. So this swatch “works” when touched, as long as the battery is working, because the battery cannot be replaced. The kombucha is biodegradable (story) – but of course the electronics and battery are not. - to see it working.

Materials 2: Manipulation

Celine Marcq. Hide and Seek

To see this swatch work, you need to manipulate the materials, change the light direction, fold, overlay.

Worked, but now only sometimes. Not because of this: a Failure. 

Because of this: Exhibit.

Beam. Inessential.

First layer: add the battery, this also acts as a switch.

Because of use of conductive aluminum, which corroded over time, 

the principle is not reliable anymore.

See this worked:

The second layer of this swatch is a story: by adding different words 

for all of the items of this idea, creating stress in the swatch 

exchange community, one member having the swatch with the 

word “ultraspecial”.

Since this swatch was a “failure” on the second level of community building. The swatch was shown as a part of the exhibition “Attempts, Failures, Trials and Errors” - exhibition project organized by 2580 Association (Cluj, Romania). This exhibition was shown in Bergen and other cities in Europe.

Third layer: Art component.

Publication Textiles 8 

The Footprint

Editor: Contrechoc

Technique: laser engravings.

We have to worry these days. Richer 

than ever before, we are also more depressed 

than ever before, because of our carbon 


Print, trace, text.

We either print ink on paper to produce 

text, or color pixels on a screen of a 

computer to produce text.

Our thoughts leave an imprint. But this 

printing on paper or a screen seems so 

superficial. We want to go deeper with 

publication textiles, and … 

we can go deeper. 

With laser engravings.

Very deep!

For this we use the drawings, kindly put at

 our disposal by the editor Otaku.

And we zoom in:

Laser engraving can go very deep – ultimately deep:

Until nearly nothing of the material is left to leave a footprint. Happy with the publication-engraving-foot-imprint-ed ?

Editor Marina Toeters



Fashion Tech Farm

Chicken lecturing electronic circuitry

Citaten uit de Fashion Tech Farm Population:

36: My e-garments are now so protective 

that they get drunk instead of me during 


37: Intelligente patat gaf net aan mijn

intelligente kleding door dat ik meer op mijn 

gezondheid moet letten.

38: Met Kerstmis heb ik mijn future 

garments naast de Kerstboom gezet. We 

zagen geen verschil meer.

39: I felt suddenly so lonely in my 

interconnected smart wardrobe.

40: De leds in uw garments blijven 

gegarandeerd de komende 10.00 jaar 


Re-FREAM Project Second Skins

Credits Malou Beemer

About designers working in the Fashion tech Farm: 

Malou Beemer

Sensitivity and empathy are lacking in the current wearable tech which is mainly designed from a practical, rational performance enhancing and solution driven perspective.

In fashion tech Malou Beemer is advocating designers can make a difference by the fusion the characteristics of practical wearable tech with communicative, social and the sensitive esthetics found in fashion which deals with human interaction and expression.

Read more:

Victory over the Sun

Cavalry                                                                                                                                                         Editor Leonor Faber-Jonker

Contribution by Alexx Meidam           Allegory, mixed media 80 x 60 cm, 2021.                                 Glow in the dark, monoprint, 15 x 10 cm, 2020.        

Contribution by Lynda Deutz

Early Works:

Hans Citroen,

Samen Sterk iedereen werk,


Recht in de ogen, Contribution by Ido van Blijdesteijn

Past in the present 8

A papier-mâché bee, a missive from the 1990s. 

Past in the present 8                                                           Editor Leonor Faber Jonker

Contribution by Dr. Niehoff